How does the Finnish Innovation System respond to Global Challenges

This report discusses Finland's response to global challenges and its strategy for innovation and competitiveness by 2015.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Embassy Of Finland - Pretoria

Authors: Ambassador Heikki Tuunanen
Time horizon: 2015
Geographic focus: Finland, Global


The research method involved a foresight project called Finnsight 2015, which brought together experts to analyze trends and formulate strategies for Finland's future in science, technology, and innovation. The project used surveys, expert panels, and policy analysis to identify challenges and opportunities.

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Key Insights

The report outlines Finland's approach to maintaining its competitive edge in the face of globalization by 2015. It emphasizes the importance of innovation, education, and a knowledge-based society. Finland's past economic challenges and successes, particularly in ICT and education, are highlighted as foundations for future growth. The report also identifies key driving forces and priority areas for Finland's science and technology sectors, including globalization, demographic changes, ICT, sustainable development, workforce competence, and global governance. The Finnsight 2015 project, a collaborative foresight initiative, is presented as a strategic tool to guide Finland's innovation policy and maintain its position as a global leader in technology and innovation.

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