Human Resources Development Readiness in ASEAN – Regional Report

The research report focuses on Human Resources Development (HRD) Readiness in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), examining the state of HRD, challenges, and solutions for developing it. The study is part of ASEAN's policy-making priority to frame HRD for a changing world of work, contributing to the ASEAN Declaration on HRD and its Roadmap. It introduces a conceptual framework for HRD and synthesizes strategies, policies, and programs applied in ASEAN Member States (AMS) in response to future challenges, including the impact of COVID-19.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English


Page count: 170


The study employed a literature review, development of a conceptual framework, and empirical exploration through interviews and data collection by national experts in AMS. It focused on key fields of HRD such as general education, TVET, higher education, corporate learning & development, and non-/informal learning. The research process included validation workshops, consultations, and the drafting of country reports, which were analyzed to produce a regional synthesis report with policy implications.

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Key Insights

The study was initiated by the ASEAN Secretariat and the Vietnamese Ministry of Labour, Invalids and Social Affairs (MOLISA), supported by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH. It aims to support the ASEAN Declaration on HRD for the Changing World of Work by providing baseline information and recommendations for policy makers to frame HRD as a priority. The study explores HRD strategies, policies, and programs currently applied in AMS, addressing challenges in a changing world of work. It also examines the readiness of AMS in promoting HRD and lifelong learning (LLL) culture, adopting inclusive approaches, strengthening enabling structures, modernizing HRD programs, professionalizing teaching personnel, and engaging the business sector in HRD.

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