Implications for US National Security of Anticipated Climate Change

This report examines the national security implications of climate change for the United States over the next 20 years.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Office of the Director of National Intelligence
Time horizon: 2020
Geographic focus: United States, Global, Arctic
Page count: 13 pages


The research method used in the report involves analyzing scientific data from the IPCC and assessing potential pathways through which climate change could impact national security, including the stability of countries, social and political tensions, food security, human health, military operations, and economic competitiveness.

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Key Insights

The National Intelligence Council's memorandum assesses the impact of climate change on US national security over the next two decades. It uses the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reports as a scientific baseline and identifies potential security challenges arising from climate-induced disruptions. These challenges include threats to the stability of countries, heightened social and political tensions, adverse effects on food prices and availability, increased risks to human health, negative impacts on investments and economic competitiveness, and potential climate discontinuities and secondary surprises. The report emphasizes that climate change will exacerbate extreme weather events, leading to direct and indirect consequences on social, economic, political, and security realms. It also discusses the potential for climate change to affect military operations and infrastructure, as well as the Arctic's geopolitical landscape due to melting ice.

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