In the Shadow of Ukraine

This report examines Russian military concepts of future warfare and force design, highlighting the perceived threat from the United States and NATO, and the challenges Russia faces in adapting its military strategy and capabilities.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Geographic Focus: United States, Russia, Ukraine
Publisher: Center for Strategic & International Studies
Authors: Seth G. Jones
Page count: 46 pages


The research method involved compiling and translating Russian military analyses, supplemented by interviews with U.S., European, and Ukrainian officials. The report also reviews Russian military journals and other sources to understand the country's military thinking and force design plans.

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Key Insights

The report analyzes Russian military thinking on future warfare and force design, focusing on the United States as Russia's main adversary. It discusses the evolution of Russian military strategy, the impact of the Ukraine conflict, and the implications for U.S. and NATO security. The report also assesses the challenges Russia faces in implementing its military ambitions due to economic constraints, corruption, and a strained defense industrial base.

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