Infrastructure-led Policy Scenarios for South Africa

This report examines the impact of infrastructure investment on South Africa's economic growth, poverty, and inequality from 2008 to 2014, using economic modeling to explore various scenarios and their outcomes.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Development Bank Of Southern Africa

Authors: Asghar Adelzadeh
Time horizon: 2008
Geographic focus: South Africa


The research method involved scenario-based strategic thinking combined with economic modeling. Experts from various fields identified key economic drivers and constructed plausible future scenarios. These scenarios were then quantified using a macro-micro simulation model to assess the impact of infrastructure investment on growth, poverty, and inequality.

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Key Insights

The research explores how increased infrastructure spending in South Africa could influence economic growth, poverty, and inequality between 2008 and 2014. It employs scenario-based strategic thinking and economic modeling to assess the plausibility of different future scenarios and policy choices, focusing on the relationship between infrastructure investment and development goals. The study identifies key economic drivers, constructs plausible scenarios, and uses a macro-micro simulation model to quantify the effects of policy options on growth and socio-economic indicators.

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