Innovating for a Brighter Future: The Role of Business in Achieving the MDGs

This report examines the private sector's role in achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs), highlighting innovative trends and case studies of business contributions to development.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

United Nations Global Compact

Authors: Christin Hokenstad, Daniel Altman, Melissa Powell, Ole Lund Hansen, Shivika Sahdev., Sonila Cook, Soren Petersen, Adrienne Gardaz
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved analyzing trends in private sector contributions to development, examining case studies of successful business practices, and formulating recommendations for enhancing business engagement in achieving the MDGs.

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Key Insights

The report discusses the increasing involvement of the private sector in development efforts towards the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It identifies trends and practices where businesses have contributed positively to development, emphasizing the need for responsible business practices that go beyond profit. The report presents case studies of companies that have successfully integrated development objectives into their operations, and it offers recommendations for businesses and development actors to enhance their engagement in achieving the MDGs. The report stresses the importance of partnerships, local knowledge, and aligning business strategies with development goals for sustainable impact. It also calls for a supportive regulatory framework and greater collaboration between the private sector, governments, and NGOs.

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