Insight on Urban Tomorrows - Expert Survey on Futures of Liveable Cities

This paper presents the results of an international survey on futures of liveable cities, highlighting the importance of cultural, social, and environmental factors, with technology as an enabler, and the changing social and power relations within cities.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

University of Turku
Finland Futures Research Centre

Authors: Marjukka Parkkinen, Sirkka Heinonen
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a semi-customized questionnaire sent to seven experts combining futures studies and urban studies. The survey aimed to gather insights for the ENCORE research project on the future of liveable cities, focusing on cultural, social, environmental factors, and technology as an enabler.

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Key Insights

The research report summarizes the findings of an expert survey conducted by the Finland Futures Research Centre and the Helsinki Node of the Millennium Project. It explores the future of liveable cities, focusing on cultural, social, and environmental aspects, with technology serving as an enabler. The survey involved seven experts in futures studies and urban development who provided insights on liveable urban environments, smart cities, participation, and governance. The report emphasizes the need for inclusive, participatory urban governance and the role of ICT in facilitating this transition. It also discusses the challenges and opportunities in implementing smart city concepts and the importance of balancing good governance with active citizen participation.

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