Insights into global food system risks and opportunities and their implications for the FSA

This report explores global food system risks and opportunities, focusing on implications for the UK Food Standards Agency (FSA) up to 2030.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: RAND
Authors: Adam Berscher, Adam Bertscher, Anna Knack, Camilla d'Angelo, Camilla d’Angelo, Elta Smith, Gordon McInroy, Gordon R. McInroy, Pamina Smith
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: United Kingdom
Page count: 62


The research method involved a three-phase approach: framing the global food system context, horizon scanning to identify key themes, and prioritizing themes relevant to the FSA. It included literature reviews, expert interviews, and workshops to evaluate potential food system challenges and opportunities.

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Key Insights

The research identifies and assesses global food system risks and opportunities, highlighting key issues and their implications for UK food safety and authenticity. It employs a foresight approach, considering consumer trends, technology, industry practices, and environmental factors, and provides recommendations for the FSA's future strategic planning and foresight activities.

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