Insurance 2025 - Reducing risk in an uncertain future

The report examines how technological advancements will reshape the insurance industry by 2025, focusing on cognitive computing and systems decentralization.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: International Business Machines Corporation
Authors: Mark Mclaughlin, Christian Bieck
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 24 pages


The research method involved analyzing insurance and CxO studies, holding informal conversations with experts and insurance executives, and scenario planning for the adoption patterns of cognitive computing and systems decentralization.

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Key Insights

This IBM report explores the future of the insurance industry, considering the impact of cognitive computing and systems decentralization. It presents four scenarios: the swarm economy, central intelligence, the Internet of Everything, and survival of the fastest, each with distinct implications for risk management, customer relationships, and insurance products. The study is based on insurance and CxO studies, expert discussions, and the potential of technologies like blockchain and the Internet of Things. It suggests insurers prepare for the future by embracing innovation, building partnerships, and developing flexible systems.

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