International dimensions of climate change: final project report

This Foresight Report has identified for the first time how international climate change is likely to affect the UK through its global dependencies and networks.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: UK Government Office for Science
Publication date: July 11, 2011
Authors: Chief Scientific Adviser to HM Government, Foresight International Dimensions of Climate Change (2011), Head of the Government Office for Science, Professor Sir John Beddington CMG, FRS
Geographic focus: United Kingdom
Page count: 129


The research method used in the report involved consulting academics, experts from the private sector, and policymakers to identify areas for analysis, basing the analysis on scientific and other evidence, and identifying areas of uncertainty.

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Key Insights

The Foresight International Dimensions of Climate Change report provides a comprehensive analysis of how climate change effects outside the UK could pose threats and opportunities for UK policymakers. It complements other reports focusing on direct impacts within UK borders and the consequences of various mitigation strategies. The report aims to fill the gap in understanding the political, economic, and social impacts on the UK from changes taking place globally due to climate change. It encourages UK policymakers to consider international impacts alongside domestic ones, feeding into the UK's first Climate Change Risk Assessment and other government initiatives. Over 100 academics and stakeholders from diverse fields have contributed to the evidence base, which suggests that the UK cannot isolate itself from overseas impacts of climate change. These impacts will be felt through interconnected global networks of governance, finance, business, communications, and communities. The report identifies a range of important implications for the UK, both threats and opportunities, and emphasizes the need for a broad approach to possible responses. The UK's role in global governance, security, resources and commodities, finance and trade, human health, and social values are all areas that may be affected. The report also highlights the UK's strengths, such as its role in global governance, business, finance, and international leadership, which could help tackle global climate change through investment, innovation, and collaboration.

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