Investing in Europe’s future: the role of education and skills

This report examines the role of education and skills in fostering growth, inclusiveness, and future prosperity in Europe. It highlights the importance of strategies to strengthen human capital development to boost Europe's long-term growth potential and tackle inequalities.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Investment Bank
Authors: Anna Thum-thysen, Anneleen Vandeplas, Erik Canton, Ernesto Villalba-garcia, Konstantinos Pouliakas, Lars Thies, Lidia Salvatore, Mantas Sekmokas, Marcus Tamm, Patricia Wruuck, Peter Voigt, Stéphanie Jamet, Debora Revoltella
Geographic focus: Europe
Page count: 60 pages


The research method includes analyzing economic data, conducting surveys, and reviewing policy measures across the EU. It involves micro- and macro-perspectives, as well as specific country examples, to inform the European debate on skills.

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Key Insights

The report discusses the significance of skills for Europe's growth and future prosperity, emphasizing the need for a coherent strategy for human capital and skills to address low productivity growth, technological change, and demographic trends. It identifies considerable skill gaps and mismatches in Europe, with many adults struggling with basic literacy and numeracy, and firms reporting difficulties in finding people with the right skills. The report suggests that investing in education and skills can help Europe enhance its innovation capacity, react to technological changes, and avoid social losses while enhancing equality of opportunities.

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