Make or Break: How Will Cities Shape Future Global Challenges?

Excerpt from report:
“Will we see cities instead of national governments carry out sustainable development initiatives?

What role will cities play in the future of global governance?

What will cities, mayors and civil society groups need in order to jointly advocate for and lead policy changes?”

Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Global Governance Futures
Publication date: May 1, 2019
Authors: GGF 2030 Role of Cities in Global Governance Working Group; Senior Fellow: Michele Acuto; Fellows: Anjana Agarwal, Jodi Allemeier, “‹Max Bouchet, Carolina Guimarães, Aidy Halimanjaya, “‹Ryo Ishida, Ana Ramic, “‹Cara Stauß, “‹Min Yang
Time horizon: 2030 - 2035
Geographic focus: global
Page count: 54


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