Medium Term Economic Effects of Peak Oil Today

This report analyzes the economic implications of peak oil and its effects on global energy demand and prices over the next decade.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Gesellschaft Für Wirtschaftliche Strukturforschung MbH

Authors: Christian Lutz, Kirsten Wiebe, Ulrike Lehr
Geographic focus: Global


The research employs the Global Interindustry Forecasting System (GINFORS), a sectorally disaggregated global energy-environment-economy model that combines econometric-statistical analysis with input-output analysis. It simulates scenarios to assess the macroeconomic effects of an oil supply shortage against a baseline scenario based on the IEA World Energy Outlook 2009.

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Key Insights

The research examines the macroeconomic consequences of peak oil, assuming a decline in oil production and rising demand. It uses the GINFORS model to simulate scenarios, comparing a baseline with no shortage to scenarios with peak oil and peak oil with efficiency/renewable energy measures. The study finds that peak oil could lead to significant oil price increases, affecting economies differently based on their oil productivity and trade relationships. Oil-exporting countries benefit, while others face GDP losses. Efficiency improvements and renewable energy expansion can mitigate negative impacts. The analysis is based on if-then scenarios and highlights the importance of climate action programs.

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