Memories of the Future: South African Scenarios to 2014

Memories of the Future: South African scenarios for 2014 to aid present decision-making.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Republic Of South Africa

Authors: Policy Co-ordination And Advisory Services, The Presidency
Time horizon: 2014
Geographic focus: South Africa


The research method involved a consultative process with a Reference Group of Ministers, a Core Team of Directors General, outside experts, and focus groups from business, labor, and NGOs. It included a government-wide workshop, interviews with international institutes, and scenario planning to identify Key Driving Forces and develop storylines for the future.

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Key Insights

The report presents a set of scenarios for South Africa in 2014, designed to assist policymakers in making informed decisions in the present by considering a range of plausible future outcomes. The scenarios were developed through a consultative process involving government officials, experts, and focus groups from various sectors. The methodology used is scenario planning, which is not about predicting the future but about preparing for different possible futures by understanding current social dynamics. The report emphasizes the importance of thinking beyond narrow horizons and anticipating the unknown to create robust and flexible policies. It reflects on South Africa's past, from the Rivonia Trial in 1964 to the first democratic election in 1994, and looks ahead to 2014, questioning how current policies will shape the nation's future.

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