Methods for Developing Multi-scale Participatory Scenarios

The report explores participatory scenario planning as a tool for examining social-ecological change over decades to centuries, focusing on southern Africa and Europe.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Ecology And Society 13(1): 8

Authors: Monika Zurek, Reinette (oonsie) Biggs, Kasper Kok
Geographic focus: Europe, Southern Africa, Global


The research method involved participatory scenario development in two multiscale environmental assessments, engaging stakeholders at various scales to explore relevant issues and create plausible future pathways.

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Key Insights

This research examines participatory scenario planning as a method for understanding changes in social-ecological systems over long time frames. It compares experiences from southern Africa and Europe, highlighting the importance of stakeholder engagement at multiple scales and the trade-offs between relevance and consistency across scales.

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