Mining in the Future: Autonomous Robotics for Safer Mines

The report discusses the use of autonomous robotics to improve safety and efficiency in mining operations.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

CSIR South Africa

Authors: Ali Shahdi
Geographic focus: South Africa


The research method involved developing and testing autonomous robotic systems by the Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems group, focusing on intelligence and sensors for field robotics applications in mining environments.

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Key Insights

The report presents research on the application of autonomous robotics in mining, aiming to enhance safety and efficiency. It highlights the challenges of operating in dynamic, unknown, and unstructured environments, such as mines, where traditional robotics may struggle. The research is conducted by the Mobile Intelligent Autonomous Systems (MIAS) group, which focuses on intelligence and sensors for field robotics applications. The report outlines the advantages of autonomous robots, including their ability to operate in extreme environments, resistance to fatigue, and reduced need for support infrastructure. It also discusses the degree of autonomy, from teleoperation to full autonomy. The MIAS group has developed a GPS-guided autonomous platform for tasks like security patrols, cargo transportation, and mining. A joint project with the CSIR Centre for Mining Innovation and Material Science and Manufacturing focuses on pre-entry safety inspections in deep mines. The report acknowledges the dangers of South Africa's hard rock mining and the potential of autonomous systems to mitigate risks, particularly post-blast. It concludes that field robotics can significantly increase mining safety and that the outcomes of the Autonomous Rover Project could be applied to automate haul trucks in opencast mines.

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