OECD Regional Outlook 2019 - Leverageing Megatrends for Cities and Rural Areas

The report discusses regional economic disparities and the importance of place-based policies in the OECD.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: OECD
Authors: OECD
Geographic focus: Global, OECD countries
Page count: 243


The research method involved analyzing economic data across regions within OECD countries, examining patterns of public discontent, and assessing the impacts of global megatrends on different regions.

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Key Insights

The 2019 OECD Regional Outlook report examines the persistent economic inequalities between regions within countries and emphasizes the need for place-based policies to address these disparities. It links public discontent with economic, social, and political issues to regional inequalities. The report argues that place-based policies are crucial due to technological, demographic, and environmental megatrends that will impact regions differently. It suggests that policy responses should be tailored to the specific regional impacts of these global trends. The report provides guidance for policymakers to prepare for the future by considering the diverse effects of megatrends on regions.

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