Open Education 2030: Vision Papers Part I: Lifelong Learning

Open education by 2030 will be a global, collaborative, and technology-enhanced lifelong learning environment, accessible to all, fostering democratic values and skills for a sustainable society.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Commission
Time horizon:2030
Geographic focus: Global


The research method used in the report involves analyzing current trends, technological advancements, and educational practices to envision the future of open education. It includes the examination of existing open educational resources and practices, the potential of emerging technologies, and the development of strategies for international collaboration and policy support.

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Key Insights

Open education in 2030 will be characterized by the widespread use of Open Educational Resources (OER) and Practices (OEP), enabling lifelong learning across borders and cultures. It will be driven by technological advancements, such as Full Mixed Reality, that allow for immersive and ubiquitous learning experiences. Education will focus on developing competencies through engaging methods, supported by smart ePortfolio systems with artificial intelligence tools. Learning will be personalized, with AI assistants guiding learners through a vast array of open resources. Collaborative learning and peer interaction will be facilitated by advanced communication technologies, and the role of educators will shift towards facilitators and managers of learning resources. Assessment will be automated and certification will be universally recognized. The market structure will be learner-friendly, with public and private actors collaborating to provide accessible and advanced educational technologies. Equity and inclusion will be prioritized, fostering employment and active citizenship. Legal issues such as IPR and copyrights will be adapted to the open education model, ensuring freedom of use with proper acknowledgment. Open education will be a key driver for a democratic society, respecting diversity and promoting lifelong learning for all individuals.

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