Peering into the Futures of Liberal Arts

This paper explores the future of liberal arts education, examining its potential decline or resurgence within Western and non-Western contexts.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Journal of Futures Studies
Publication date: March 1, 2012
Authors: Shermon Cruz
Geographic focus: Global, United States, China, India, Muslim-predominant Countries
Page count: 20


The research method involved analyzing debates and discussions on liberal arts' future, reviewing works of leading futurists, and examining the discipline's decline and resurgence in the West and its assimilation in non-Western societies. The study also considered various contexts and frameworks of liberal arts education beyond the Western tradition.

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Key Insights

The report investigates the future of liberal arts, addressing its relevance, potential decline, and adaptation in the 21st century. It contrasts Western models, which emphasize workplace utility, with non-Western perspectives that value cultural and civilizational contexts. The study explores the integration of liberal arts in various global regions, considering the discipline's roots, political implications, and cultural significance. It also discusses the emergence of “Liberal Arts 2.0” and its alignment with future workplace trends.

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