Rebuilding an economy: Modelling Zimbabwe’s Mining Sector with Scenario Planning

This report investigates Zimbabwe's mining sector, proposing strategies for growth using scenario planning.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

University Of Pretoria

Authors: Jessica Southey
Geographic focus: Zimbabwe


The research method involved scenario planning, an Operations Research and Business Engineering technique, combined with engineering economics. A questionnaire was distributed to industry experts, and the results were analyzed using the Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) and a robust strategy selection method to evaluate two proposed strategies for Zimbabwe's mining sector.

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Key Insights

The research analyzes Zimbabwe's mining sector and its potential for economic recovery. It employs scenario planning and engineering economics to propose strategies for growth, considering political stability, commodity prices, and foreign investment. The study includes a detailed survey of industry experts and evaluates the robustness of two main strategies, “Whole Hog” and “Slow & Steady,” for the sector's future development.

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