Reflections on the Future of Warfare and Implications for Personnel Policies of the U.S. Department of Defense

This report examines the future of warfare and its implications for U.S. Department of Defense personnel policies, focusing on advanced technologies and the need for a more flexible, agile, and open personnel system.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: RAND
Authors: John D. Winkler, Marek N. Posard, Meagan L. Smith, Raphael S. Cohen, Raphale S. Cohen, Timothy Marler
Geographic focus: Global, United States
Page count: 43


The research method involved a daylong workshop with defense experts discussing foresight and forecasting, advanced military technologies, and defense personnel management. The workshop's discussions and presentations, along with a review of relevant literature, informed the report's conclusions.

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Key Insights

The future of warfare is expected to be more complex, with increased competition for regional hegemony, technological advancements, and a need for personnel with specialized skills. Emerging technologies like AI, robotics, and biotechnology will play a significant role, necessitating changes in recruitment, retention, and career development within the military.

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