Renewables Global features Report 2013

This report presents a comprehensive overview of the current state and future prospects for renewable energy worldwide, emphasizing the potential for a significant increase in the share of renewables in the global energy mix by 2040–2050.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Institute For Sustainable Energy Policies

Authors: Eric Martinot
Geographic focus: Global


The report discusses the integration challenges facing electric utilities, including managing the variability of renewables on power grids, and the choice of utilities to lead, follow, resist, or adapt to these changes. It also covers the role of policies in leading transformational change and the potential for new forms of finance and business models to usher in a predominantly renewable energy future.

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Key Insights

The report synthesizes expert opinions, policy developments, and scenario projections to map out the range of credible possibilities for renewable energy futures, highlighting the diversity of motivations driving renewable energy adoption and the changing economics and risks of energy technology portfolios.

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Additional Viewpoints

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