Scenario Planning: a Tool for Conservation in an Uncertain World

Scenario planning is a tool for developing resilient conservation policies in unpredictable conditions.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Conservation Biology

Authors: Graeme S. Cumming, Stephen R. Carpenter, Garry D. Peterson
Geographic focus: Global


The research used a systemic method involving six stages: identifying a focal issue, assessing the system, identifying alternatives, building scenarios, testing scenarios for consistency, and screening policies against the scenarios. Stakeholders were involved in workshops to explore the system's dynamics and uncertainties, leading to the creation of plausible future scenarios.

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Key Insights

Scenario planning helps conservationists create flexible policies for uncertain futures by exploring multiple plausible scenarios. It involves diverse stakeholders and can integrate quantitative and qualitative data, leading to better decisions and shared understanding. The method is useful when traditional scientific tools are inadequate due to high unpredictability and uncontrollable factors.

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