Scenarios for future scientific and technological developments in developing countries 2005-2015

This document is the final report of the European Commission-funded project “Scenarios of future science and technology developments in developing countries 2005-2015,” which explores potential scientific and technological progress in four regions: CIS, Sub-Saharan Africa, Maghreb and Mashreq, and Latin America.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Commission
Authors: Edward S. Ayensu, Ephraim E. Okon, Grisel Romero, Igor Yegorov, Irama La Rosa, Isam Mustafa, Javier Medina, Jennifer Harper, Jorge Fontanals, Joseph O. Malo, Kamila Magzieva, Luke Georghiou, Manuel Marí, Marie-christine Brichard, Michael Keenan, Patrick Crehan, Rafael Popper, Said Belcadi, Salah Benabdallah, Siyavush Azakov, Sunday O. Ojo, Tibisay Hung, Zurab Chekurashvili, Álvaro Briones, Elie Faroult, European Commission
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved appointing national correspondents, validating national reports through online forums, synthesizing regional reports, and developing scenarios through workshops. The process aimed to consider various visions of international RTDI cooperation by 2015 and their policy implications.

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Key Insights

The report outlines the rationale, scope, and methodology of the project, presenting results focused on four regions: CIS, Sub-Saharan Africa, Maghreb and Mashreq, and Latin America. It identifies key trends, drivers, and possible futures for scientific and technological developments, offering region-specific success scenarios and action points for consideration. The document also discusses the role of international RTDI cooperation and the potential impact on Europe's RTDI policy.

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Quick Facts
Report location: Insert URL link to the report
Language: Set the report's publication language(s)
Publisher: Link to the publisher's page in the Encyclopedia. Create an encyclopedia page if one does not already exist.
Publication date: Set the publication date, spell the name of the month followed by day of month and year e.g. Month dd, yyyy .
Authors: Provides the names of the individual authors if known. Delete this row if not provided / known.
Time horizon: Provide the year and decade of the time horizon if known. If the time horizon is a range, provide both dates and decades. Otherwise, delete this row.
Geographic focus: Provide the geographic focus. If the geographic focus is very narrow then provide the broader geography. For instance, the focus is a city then include the nation as well.
Page count: Include the number of pages in the library entry. Delete this row if unknown or not applicable.


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Key Insights

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Additional Viewpoints

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