Scenarios On The Futures of Consumer Attitudes And Their Use Of Sustainable Products

This report explores consumer attitudes towards sustainable products and the use of scenario techniques to predict future trends.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Authors: Ute Hélène Von Reibnitz
Time horizon: 2010
Geographic focus: Europe, United States Of Europe (use), Global


The research method involved analyzing consumer attitudes and behaviors, identifying external influences, and using scenario techniques to project future developments. This included creating alternative scenarios, analyzing their consistency, interpreting and visualizing future environments, and assessing consequences and wild cards. The process culminated in the development of a master guideline that fits both extreme scenarios.

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Key Insights

The report examines the changing world of consumer attitudes, particularly regarding sustainable products, and the uncertainty of whether this trend will become mainstream. It discusses the importance of improving sustainable thinking and behavior and the factors that could influence consumer attitudes. The report introduces scenario techniques as a planning tool to explore future consumer environments. These techniques involve creating consistent scenarios that consider various future situations, linking them to present company situations, and developing strategies to address future opportunities and threats. The report also considers wild cards, such as technological breakthroughs or ecological disasters, and their potential impact on companies. It outlines an eight-step process for applying scenario techniques, from task analysis to scenario transfer. Two contrasting scenarios for 2010 are presented: Scenario A, a performance society with a focus on technology and individual responsibility, and Scenario B, a sustainable society with an emphasis on social peace and ecological principles. The report concludes with a master guideline synthesizing the consequences of both scenarios for consumer attitudes towards sustainable products, emphasizing the importance of scenario techniques for long-term sustainable prosperity.

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