School's Over: Learning Spaces in Europe in 2020: An Imagining Exercise on the Future of Learning

This report uses a rigorous imagining approach to develop an alternative way of organizing learning in Europe where the traditional school system no longer plays a significant role.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: European Commission
Authors: Hanne Shapiro, Knud Erik Hilding-hamann, Riel Miller
Publication Date: September 30, 2008
Time Horizon: 2020
Geographic Focus: Europe


The research method used in this report involves a “rigorous imagining” approach, which includes the development of detailed scenarios, participatory workshops with experts, and backcasting to compare the imagined future with the present and identify policy implications.

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Key Insights

The report “School's Over: Learning Spaces in Europe in 2020” envisions a future where traditional schooling is replaced by multi-dimensional learning spaces integral to a Learning-intensive Society (LIS). These spaces support lifelong learning, personal growth, and community engagement, reflecting a shift from industrial-era education to a system that values unique creation, personalization, and open, trusted networks for knowledge sharing. The study suggests policy options to leverage current trends towards this transformative vision of learning in Europe.

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