Science and Technology Foresight - Animal Health Foresight Project

This report explores alternative strategies to mass animal depopulation for disease control, focusing on the potential impacts of science and technology developments on animal health in the future.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

government of canada
united states department of agriculture.

Authors: Lynelle Spring
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a foresight workshop with stakeholders from various disciplines discussing and brainstorming future scenarios. Participants used foresight tools to anticipate multiple plausible futures, identify critical change drivers, and backcast from these futures to the present to understand potential pathways and formulate recommendations.

(Generated with the help of GPT-4)

Key Insights

The report examines the viability of mass animal depopulation as a disease control method, considering societal concerns, technological advances, and the need for alternative strategies. It discusses the implications of emerging science and technology on animal health, public attitudes, policy, and economics, aiming to provide advice to Chief Veterinary Officers on future disease management options.

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