Securing the Net: Global Governance in the Digital Domain

This report explores future scenarios for global cyber security governance, focusing on the potential extremes of “Cyber Death” and “Cyber Paradise” by 2022, and offers strategic implications and policy recommendations.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Global Governance Futures
Publication date: September 1, 2013
Authors: Martin Kaul, Puja Abbassi, Vivek Mohan, Yi Shen, Zev Winkelman
Time horizon: 2022
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 19


The research method involved scenario planning, environment and factor analysis, cross-impact balance analysis, and expert reviews. The process included identifying key factors, defining possible outcomes, analyzing interactions, constructing scenarios, and deriving strategic implications and policy recommendations.

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Key Insights

The report, produced by the Global Governance 2022 program, examines two contrasting scenarios for the future of global cyber security governance: “Cyber Death,” where the internet as we know it ends due to mistrust and cyber threats, and “Cyber Paradise,” where a utopian resolution leads to a secure and open internet. It analyzes the strategic implications of these scenarios and provides policy recommendations to navigate the challenges and opportunities of cyber security governance.

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