South African Futures 2030: How Bafana Bafana made Mandela Magic

This paper presents three scenarios for South Africa up to 2030: 'Bafana Bafana', 'A Nation Divided', and 'Mandela Magic', with 'Mandela Magic' being the most prosperous pathway.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Institute for Security Studies
Authors: Jakkie Cilliers
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: South Africa
Page count: 36 pages


The research method used in the report involves scenario planning, where three distinct narratives are constructed to explore possible futures for South Africa up to 2030. These scenarios are based on current trends, potential policy decisions, and their projected impact on the country's economy and society.

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Key Insights

The report outlines three potential futures for South Africa: 'Bafana Bafana', a continuation of the status quo with moderate progress; 'Mandela Magic', an optimistic scenario with clear vision and execution leading to significant growth; and 'A Nation Divided', where political instability and populist policies lead to economic decline. The paper emphasizes the importance of policy and leadership choices in determining the country's trajectory, with the economy potentially growing 23% larger under 'Mandela Magic' compared to 'Bafana Bafana'. The paper concludes with seven strategic interventions to achieve the 'Mandela Magic' scenario.

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