State of the World’s Cities Report: Bridging the Urban Divide 2010/11

This report examines the concept of the Urban Divide, exploring the various forms of inclusion and exclusion in cities, particularly in the developing world. It highlights the economic, social, political, and cultural dimensions of urban inequality and advocates for rights-based policies to bridge these divides. The report provides a framework for understanding urban realities and suggests strategic steps and catalysts for change to integrate marginalized populations into mainstream urban life.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-HABITAT)

Authors: Anne Amin, Anne Idukitta, Azad Amir-ghassemi, Barbara Agonga-williams, Cecilia Zanetta, Christopher Williams, Darcy Varney, Elizabeth Kahwae, Gianluca Crispi, Gora Mboup, Jane Arimah, Julius Majale, Mary Dibo, Miloon Kothari, Oyebanji Oyeyinka, Padmashree Sampath, Philip Mukungu, Rasna Warah, Raymond Otieno Otieno, Shivani Chaudhry, Souleymane Ndoye, Thierry Naudin, Wandia Riunga, Wladimir Ray, Eduardo López Moreno
Geographic focus: Global


The research method used in the report includes the collection and analysis of new data on urban economic inequality, policy analysis, and the gathering of expert opinions from 27 representative cities across three major developing regions. This methodological approach provides a comprehensive understanding of the Urban Divide and the factors contributing to urban inequalities.

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Key Insights

The report identifies the Urban Divide as a multifaceted phenomenon characterized by economic, social, political, and cultural inequalities. It presents new data on urban economic inequality and explores how the urban poor, especially women and youth, face multiple forms of exclusion. The report argues that economic growth alone is insufficient to address urban exclusion and emphasizes the need for rights-based policies. Expert opinions from 27 cities across three developing regions provide insights into the dynamics of inclusion and the interplay between different dimensions of inequality. The report outlines five policy steps and catalysts for change to foster integration and social justice in cities.

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