Store of Tomorrow

The report discusses the transformation of retail towards an integrated online and offline experience, emphasizing the need for retailers to adapt to digital trends and consumer expectations.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Accenture
Publication date: March 4, 2022
Authors: Brooks Kitchel, Damien Veilleroy, Jill Standish, Laurent Thoumine, Ray Marciano, Wendy Han
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 17


The research method involved analyzing current retail trends, consumer behaviors, and technological advancements to develop a new retail concept that integrates online and offline shopping experiences.

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Key Insights

Retail is undergoing a significant transformation, driven by increased e-commerce adoption and changing consumer behaviors accelerated by the pandemic. Retailers must integrate online and offline channels to create a seamless omnichannel experience. The report by Accenture outlines the concept of the Store of Tomorrow, which combines digital shopping with automated warehousing and personalized physical shopping experiences. It proposes a new store layout with three parts: The Aisle for quick purchases via smartphone, the Dark Store for efficient order fulfillment, and the Promenade for product discovery and community events. This model aims to enhance customer experience, reduce operational costs, and improve profitability. The report also emphasizes the importance of data-driven decision-making, a skilled workforce, and sustainability in the future of retail.

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