Stories from 2050: Radical, inspiring and thought-provoking narratives around challenges and opportunities of our futures

This report presents a collection of radical, inspiring, and thought-provoking narratives about the future, addressing the challenges and opportunities of climate change and biodiversity crises.

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Quick Facts
Report location: executive summary and download link
Language: English
Publisher: European Commission
Publication date: December 14, 2021
Authors: Tanja Schindler, Graciela Guadarrama Baena
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: european_union
Page count: 120


The research method involved collecting stories and narratives from various individuals, including experts and engaged citizens. These narratives were then compiled into a booklet to serve as a tool for Futures Literacy and Futures Thinking.

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Key Insights

The report “Stories from 2050” compiles 21 narratives from around the world, exploring the planetary emergency and existential threats of climate change and biodiversity loss. These stories, ranging from plausible sci-fi to fictional fairy tales, are designed to provoke abstract thinking and offer diverse perspectives on sustainability, cultural differences, and social changes. The narratives serve as a tool for Futures Literacy and Futures Thinking, complementing scenarios and trend research within the Foresight discipline. They aim to stimulate readers' thinking and provide layers of understanding about the future of the European Green Deal and global environmental issues.

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Additional Viewpoints

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