Study on Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in ASEAN across forest, bare land and coastal ecosystems

This report investigates Nature-based Solutions (NbS) in ASEAN, focusing on sustainable development and climate resilience through ecosystem restoration and conservation.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English


Authors: Dr. Bunafsha Mislimshoeva, Dr. Till Pistorius, Sarah Elkan, Dr. Agus Suratno
Geographic focus: Asean
Page count: 66


The research method included policy analysis, literature reviews, and expert interviews, focusing on ASEAN's international commitments, financial instruments, and NbS examples.

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Key Insights

The study examines NbS in the ASEAN context, reviewing policies, methods, and examples to promote regional sustainable development. It assesses NbS roles in policy frameworks, financial instruments, and implementation challenges, providing recommendations for ASEAN, member states, and investors.

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