Sub-Saharan Africa’s Youth Bulge: A Demographic Dividend or Disaster?

The report discusses the potential and risks of Sub-Saharan Africa's growing youth population.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Brookings Institution
Africa Growth Initiative

Authors: Jessica Smith, Olumide Taiwo, Julius Agbor
Geographic focus: Sub-saharan Africa


The research method involved analyzing demographic data, employment statistics, and policy decisions from various sources, including the African Union, World Bank, and United Nations. It also considered the impact of current events, such as the Arab Spring, on the potential for youth-led political uprisings in Sub-Saharan Africa.

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Key Insights

Sub-Saharan Africa's youth bulge could be a demographic dividend or a disaster. The report examines the challenges and opportunities presented by the rapidly growing youth population in Africa. It highlights the high unemployment rates among the youth, the potential for economic growth if this demographic is effectively integrated into the labor market, and the risks of instability and crime if they are not. The report discusses the need for targeted interventions to harness the potential of the youth, such as improving education and vocational training, creating jobs in sectors with growth potential, and fostering an environment conducive to entrepreneurship, particularly in agriculture and IT. It also emphasizes the importance of removing institutional barriers and ensuring that African Union member countries take action to translate skills into meaningful employment opportunities for the youth.

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