This report explores the future of health systems, focusing on sustainability through transformative solutions and stakeholder cooperation.

Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Forum for the Future
Publication date: September 1, 2011
Authors: Ivana Gazibara, Alice Chapple
Time horizon: 2040
Geographic focus: Global; China; Germany; Netherlands; Spain; England
Page count: 70


The research method involved engaging over 200 stakeholders in discussions, workshops, and interviews to explore visions, strategies, critical uncertainties, and scenarios for the future of health systems. The project used an iterative process incorporating these elements to enrich strategic ideas and insights.

Key Insights

The World Economic Forum's report on sustainable health systems envisions a future where health systems are transformed to be financially sustainable and patient-centered. It emphasizes the need for a broader set of stakeholders to engage in strategic dialogue and cooperate across sectors to address the challenges of rising healthcare costs and changing demographics. The report suggests that incremental changes will not suffice; instead, transformative solutions that challenge established norms and boundaries are required. It presents scenarios for health systems in 2040, discusses critical uncertainties that could impact their evolution, and proposes strategies for creating value-driven, innovative, and integrated health systems that promote healthy living and reduce the demand for healthcare services.

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