Technology and Innovation 2025

This report examines potential technological advancements by 2025, focusing on biotechnology, nanotechnology, cyber-technology, ubiquitous sensors, and wild card technologies, and their societal implications.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Toffler Associates

Authors: Aaron Schulman, Andrew Munton, Bryan Pelley, Christina Pawlikowski, Victoria Fung, Dr. Joseph A. Engelbrecht Jr, Toffler Associates
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved conferences with experts, surveys, and analysis of technological readiness levels to forecast the maturity and impact of various technologies by 2025.

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Key Insights

The report explores five technology areas—biotechnology, cyber-technology, nanotechnology, ubiquitous sensors, and wild card technologies—and their implications for society, business, and government by 2025. It discusses technological readiness, convergences, disruptions, and the need for leadership in adapting to these changes.

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