Technology Roadmapping as a foresight instrument

This report examines Technology Roadmapping as a strategic foresight tool for identifying future technology developments and informing R&D agendas.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

national institute of science and technology policy (nistep)
Technology Foresight Center
Korea Inst. S&T Evaluation And Planning

Authors: Byeongwon Park
Geographic focus: Global, Asia-pacific, Japan, Korea


The research method involved analyzing the evolution of technology foresight studies, mapping foresight activities, and examining the characteristics and processes of Technology Roadmapping. It also included case studies from companies like Motorola and Siemens, as well as national roadmaps from countries like Japan and Korea.

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Key Insights

Technology Roadmapping is a strategic planning process that helps organizations identify, select, and develop technologies to meet future needs. It involves expert consensus and a normative approach to envision desirable futures. The report covers the evolution of foresight activities, methods, and the role of roadmapping in shaping technology strategies. It also provides examples of roadmaps from various industries and regions, highlighting their use in anticipating and creating business opportunities.

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