The economic state of Latinos in America: The American dream deferred

The report examines the economic disparities facing Latinos in America and the potential benefits of achieving full economic parity.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: McKinsey
Publication date: December 9, 2021
Authors: Ana Paula Calvo, Bernardo Sichel, Lucy PĂ©rez, Michael Chui
Time horizon: 2060
Geographic focus: United States


The research method involved analyzing data on Latino demographics, labor force participation, business ownership, consumer spending, and wealth accumulation. It compared these metrics with those of non-Latino White Americans to identify economic disparities and potential areas for growth.

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Key Insights

This report analyzes the economic state of Latinos in America, highlighting their contributions to the workforce and entrepreneurial landscape, and the significant economic disparities they face compared to non-Latino White Americans. It emphasizes the potential multitrillion-dollar impact of addressing these barriers, which could lead to increased consumer spending, job creation, and intergenerational wealth for Latinos. The research suggests that while Latinos are making strides in income, wealth, and mobility, they still face significant challenges, including discrimination, underrepresentation in higher-wage jobs, and limited access to capital and essential services. The report calls for targeted interventions to enable full economic participation for Latinos, which would benefit the entire U.S. economy.

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