The Euro’s Difficult Future

This report analyzes the Eurozone's structural competitiveness imbalances, particularly between its northern and southern members, and the implications for the euro's future.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Atlantic Council
Authors: Luigi Bonatti
Geographic focus: Eurozone
Page count: 18 pages


The research method primarily involves a detailed analysis of economic data and trends within the Eurozone, focusing on the disparities between the northern and southern member countries. It also includes a review of policy measures and their effectiveness in addressing the competitiveness imbalances.

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Key Insights

The report examines the persistent competitiveness imbalances within the Eurozone, especially between the North and South, and their impact on regional economies. It discusses the structural factors that hinder Southern Europe's growth and the tensions these imbalances create within the Eurozone, potentially threatening the euro's survival. The research suggests that macroeconomic policies alone cannot address these deep-rooted issues and that without significant reforms, the Eurozone's future is at risk.

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