The Future of Humanity

The report explores potential future scenarios for humanity, including extinction, recurrent collapse, plateau, and posthumanity, and emphasizes the importance of realistic futuristic thought for decision-making.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

palgrave mcmillan
Oxford University

Authors: Evan Selinger, Jan-kyrre Berg Olsen, Soren Riis., Nick Bostrom
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involves analyzing existing literature, extrapolating current technological trends, and considering the implications of potential future technologies on the human condition.

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Key Insights

The future of humanity is a critical topic that shapes our decisions and policies. This report examines recent attempts to think realistically about humanity's future and discusses four main scenarios: extinction, recurrent collapse, plateau, and posthumanity. It emphasizes the role of technology in shaping our future and the need for accurate predictions to avoid potential pitfalls and seize opportunities.

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