The Future of the European Budget - What does the Commission's White Paper mean for EU Finances?

This paper examines the European Commission's White Paper on the future of the EU and its implications for the EU budget by 2025, exploring five different scenarios.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Jacques Delors Institute, Bertelsmann Stiftung
Authors: Eulalia Rubio, Jörg Haas
Time horizon: 2025
Geographic focus: European Union
Page count: 12 pages


The research method involved analyzing the European Commission's White Paper on the Future of Europe, which describes five potential scenarios for the EU by 2025, and assessing the budgetary implications of each scenario. The paper also includes a review of existing EU budgetary mechanisms and proposals for reform.

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Key Insights

The European Commission's White Paper presents five scenarios for the future of the EU by 2025, each with distinct budgetary implications. Scenario 1 suggests incremental reforms with a marginally reformed budget, while Scenario 2 focuses on a budget supporting the single market. Scenario 3 considers differentiated integration with some countries advancing further, requiring external funds. Scenario 4 proposes a focus on areas of high EU added value, potentially cutting cohesion and agricultural spending. Scenario 5 envisions a federal budget with comprehensive integration across all policy areas, necessitating a larger budget and reformed governance and financing systems. The paper concludes that the current budget form is insufficient for even moderate reforms, especially post-Brexit, and calls for an honest debate on new priorities and their funding.

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