The future of the global minerals and metals sector: issues and challenges out to 2050

The report examines the future challenges in the global minerals and metals sector up to 2050, focusing on supply, demand, and environmental impacts.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

British Geological Survey

Authors: Gus Gunn, Andrew Bloodworth
Time horizon: 2050
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved examining key technical, environmental, and socio-economic factors that will impact minerals and metals supply and demand over the next 40 years. It included analysis of current reserves, production trends, and future challenges, as well as the potential role of recycling and technological innovations in the sector.

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Key Insights

This report explores the future of the global minerals and metals sector up to 2050, addressing the anticipated growth in demand due to population increase and emerging economies, and the challenges this poses. It discusses the need for innovative science to find and extract metals from low-grade deposits and to understand the processes of metal concentration, especially for metals critical to low-carbon and digital technologies. The report also highlights the importance of breaking the link between resource use and environmental change. It considers the role of recycling in future metal supply, the technical developments in mining and processing, the geopolitical and ethical issues surrounding resource distribution, and the environmental limits of mineral resource extraction. The report suggests that while physical exhaustion of metal resources is unlikely, there is no room for complacency, and science will play a vital role in maintaining supply and minimizing environmental impacts.

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