The Future of Truth and Misinformation Online

Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Pew Research Center
Publication date: October 19, 2017
Authors: Janna Anderson, Lee Rainie
Geographic focus: United States
Page count: 92


The research method used in this report involves a non-scientific, opt-in canvassing of experts and interested parties who were asked to share their views on the future of digital spaces. Participants provided written responses to a set of open-ended questions about the evolution of digital spaces, potential reforms, and the roles of various stakeholders in shaping the digital public sphere.

Key Insights

This report examines the potential future of digital spaces and their role in democracy by 2035, exploring whether they will evolve to significantly serve the public good or continue to amplify human frailties and societal divisions. It considers the impact of human behavior, technology design, corporate interests, and government regulation on the trajectory of digital life.

Additional Viewpoints

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