The future of water security in South Africa and SADC

This report examines the future of water security in South Africa and the Southern African Development Community (SADC), focusing on policy, supply chain, sustainability, and strategic foresight to create scenarios for 2026.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

Gordon Institute Of Business Science (GIBS) University Of Pretoria

Authors: Dr. Ken Mathu, Dr. Wayne Visser, Kagiso “tk” Pooe, Kelly Alexander, Marius Oosthuizen
Time horizon: 2026
Geographic focus: South Africa, Sadc, Africa


The research method involved environmental scanning, scenario forecasting, and facilitated dialogue with experts and stakeholders across political, business, and civil society sectors. Insights were synthesized into three alternative scenarios for water security.

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Key Insights

The research explores water security in South Africa and SADC, analyzing public policy, water supply chains, sustainability, and strategic foresight. It reviews environmental factors, trends, and stakeholder insights to present three scenarios for water security by 2026, considering key policy and business strategy choices.

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