The Future of Work: Robots Cooking Free Lunches?

This report explores the future of work in the context of technological advancements, examining the potential impact of automation, artificial intelligence, and digital platforms on jobs, skills, and employment. It discusses the value of work in society, presents four future scenarios, and offers policy recommendations.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: Wilfried Martens Centre for European Studies
Authors: Žiga Turk, Vít Novotný
Geographic focus: Global
Page count: 68 pages


The research method involved analyzing historical data on labor and employment, reviewing studies on job automation probabilities, and examining the implications of technological trends. The report also used speculative scenarios to illustrate potential futures and derive policy insights.

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Key Insights

The research investigates how technological progress in automation, robotization, and artificial intelligence might reshape the nature of work, affecting job roles, workplace relations, and societal structures. It considers historical shifts in labor, the potential for job replacement by machines, and the importance of work for individual fulfillment and social structure. The report presents four speculative scenarios of future societies and concludes with policy suggestions to navigate the challenges and opportunities posed by technological change.

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