The Futures of Low-Carbon Society: Climate Change and Strategy for Economies in APEC Beyond 2050

The report presents a comprehensive study on the potential for a low-carbon society in the Asia-Pacific region beyond 2050, focusing on climate change strategies and economic development.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: APEC Center for Technology Foresight, Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation
Time Horizon:2050+
Page count: 40 pages


The research method included a scoping workshop, an international working group meeting, a Real-Time Delphi survey, a scenario workshop, and a technology foresight symposium. These collaborative and participatory approaches engaged experts from various fields to develop a shared vision and strategies for a low-carbon society in the Asia-Pacific region.

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Key Insights

The research explores the transition to a low-carbon society in the Asia-Pacific region, examining the impacts of climate change, potential adaptation strategies, and the role of technology and policy. It involves a collaborative, multi-phase project using foresight techniques, including workshops, surveys, and scenario development, to envision a sustainable future with reduced carbon emissions and adaptive lifestyles. The study emphasizes the importance of regional cooperation, technological advancement, public sector leadership, and education in achieving a low-carbon society by 2050.

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Additional Viewpoints

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