The global obesity pandemic: shaped by global drivers and local environments

The report examines the global obesity epidemic, its drivers, and the complex interplay of environmental and genetic factors contributing to its rise.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

WHO Collaborating Centre For Obesity Prevention
Deakin University

Authors: Diane T Finegood, Gary Sacks, Kevin D Hall, Klim Mcpherson, Marjory L Moodie, Steven L Gortmaker, Boyd A Swinburn, Boyd A Swinburn, Gary Sacks, Kevin D Hall, Klim Mcpherson Et Al
Geographic focus: Global


The research method involved a comprehensive review and analysis of data from various sources, including health examination surveys, epidemiological studies, and food supply records. The researchers also examined historical trends, socioeconomic factors, and policy interventions related to obesity.

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Key Insights

The research report provides a comprehensive analysis of the global obesity pandemic, highlighting the role of the global food system in driving obesity rates through the production of processed, affordable, and effectively marketed food. It explores the interactions between global drivers and local environments, leading to variations in obesity prevalence among populations. The report also discusses the absence of public health measures that have successfully reversed the obesity epidemic, emphasizing the need for policy action focused on reducing supply-side drivers. It examines the historical trends in obesity, the health consequences associated with increased body mass index, and the economic implications of the epidemic. The report calls for global and national leadership to address the obesity crisis and suggests that policy interventions targeting the environment are crucial for making healthy choices easier for the population.

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