The Green Party of Kenya Manifesto 2030

The Green Party of Kenya's manifesto outlines their vision for a sustainable and united Kenya by 2030.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: NGFP African Digital Futures
Publication date: October 1, 2021
Authors: FRANK OGOLLA, Frank Ogolla, IMAN BASHIR, Iman Bashir
Time horizon: 2030
Geographic focus: Africa, Kenya
Page count:

:06 |


The research method appears to be a qualitative analysis of the Green Party of Kenya's policies, achievements, and future plans as outlined in their manifesto.

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Key Insights

The Green Party of Kenya (GPK) presents its manifesto for the 2030 elections, emphasizing the progress made under its leadership and outlining a vision for a sustainable future. The manifesto highlights the country's achievements in renewable energy, job creation, and environmental conservation. It also addresses the challenges faced, such as colonial-style exploitation of resources, and emphasizes the importance of communal responsibility in maintaining a clean environment. The GPK aims to continue its work in transforming Kenya's political landscape away from tribalism and towards environmental consciousness, leveraging the legacy of environmentalists like Wangari Mathai.

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