The Human Core of the SSPs: Population Scenarios by Age, Sex and Level of Education for all Countries to 2100

The report projects global population scenarios by age, sex, and education to 2100, emphasizing human development and social change through demographic modeling.

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Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English

International Institute For Applied Systems Analysis

Authors: Wolfgang Lutz, Kc Samir
Time horizon: 2100
Geographic focus: Global


The research utilized a multi-dimensional demographic model incorporating age, sex, and educational attainment to project population scenarios. It involved expert collaboration and review to define assumptions for fertility, mortality, migration, and education trends.

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Key Insights

This research applies multi-dimensional mathematical demography to project national populations based on assumptions about future fertility, mortality, migration, and educational transitions corresponding to the five Shared Socioeconomic Pathways (SSPs). It differentiates populations by age, sex, and educational attainment, providing a nuanced view of potential demographic futures. The study is informed by a collaborative effort involving over 600 experts worldwide, offering a significant advancement over past population scenarios that considered only total population size.

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