The OECD Scenarios for the Future of Schooling

This report explores four scenarios for the future of schooling by 2040, considering the impact of technology, society, and policy.

Excerpt from report:
“In 2001, the OECD published What Schools for the Future? (OECD, 2001[1]), a set of scenarios on the future of schooling and education. … This chapter presents an updated set of scenarios, drawing on the original thinking as well as over a decade of CERI work on Trends Shaping Education”

Quick Facts
Report location: source
Language: English
Publisher: OECD
Authors: OECD
Time horizon: 2036 - 2040
Geographic focus: global
Page count: 17


The OECD report presents four scenarios for the future of schooling by 2040, reflecting on the potential transformations in education systems. These scenarios are built upon advancements in technology, changes in societal expectations, and shifts in policy and governance. The report does not predict the future but offers a framework for considering how different factors might shape education. The scenarios are: Schooling Extended, Education Outsourced, Schools as Learning Hubs, and Learn-as-you-go. Each scenario explores different degrees of formal education, the role of technology, the involvement of community and private entities, and the implications for teaching and learning practices.

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